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    Separate studies into how the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) operates and what cost-savings can be found amid dropping enrollments could have significant implications for our own Lock Haven University. The PASSHE board has hired the nonprofit National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) of Boulder, Colo., for a maximum cost of $400,000, to assess the system and its 14 state-run universities, including Lock Haven. The state Senate this week ordered a similar study that tasks the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to finalize a review by Dec. 1. Combined enrollment at the 14 schools — Lock Haven, Bloomsburg, California, Cheyney, Clarion, East Stroudsburg, Edinboro, Indiana, Kutztown, Mansfield, Millersville, Shippensburg, Slippery Rock and West Chester universities — has dropped by 12 percent to nearly 105,000 since peaking in 2010. As a result, some things have to give. The already deficit-ridden state government cannot afford to give the state system the additional $61 million it is requesting to maintain programs and facilities. At the same time, PASSHE says it’s operating on state funding levels that mirror 1999. Whether two studies are needed is another question, though state Sen. Dave Argall, R-Schuylkill County, who sponsored the resolution calling for the Senate study, said he considers it necessary to do an outside study of the system because “there are always some concerns when a system studies itself as to how independent, no matter how hard they try, their study may be.” In its nearly 50 years of studying higher education, the nonprofit NCHEMS has recommended public universities closing or merging in other states due to falling enrollment, rising costs, reduced state funding and duplication of services and degree programs, the nonprofit’s vice president Patrick Kelly told The (Allentown) Morning Call newspaper ( this week. But politics, he said, often trumps recommendations and schools stay open. “The reality is the mergers, conso
    7 years ago by @prophe

    As the State System of Higher Education examines its operations and mulls its future, a Harrisburg-based think tank has issued a report that is part tribute and part warning.
    7 years ago by @prophe

    Governor Cuomo gave a press release on April 8 announcing the new Excelsior Program, which would offer free tuition to all New York State universities (SUNY) and colleges (CUNY) for low-income residents. The recently approved program makes New York the first state to offer free tuition in any form. Cuomo argued, “Today, college is what high school was—it should always be an option even if you can’t afford it. The Excelsior Scholarship will make college accessible to thousands of working and middle class students and shows the difference that government can make.” The press release announces a newly approved budget for education that offers “a record $7.5 billion in total support for higher education, a $448 million, or 6.3 percent, increase over last year.” In addition to a free tuition, the funding will go towards increased resources for TAP, ‘Get On Your Feet’ Loan Forgiveness Program, and an $8 million allocation for open education resources for SUNY and CUNY students. The Higher Education Service Corporation (HESC) states the requirements plainly on its website. “If you are a NYS resident whose family household adjusted gross income does not exceed $100,000 for the 2017-18 academic year and you complete 30 credits per year, you will be able to attend a SUNY or CUNY college tuition free.” In future years the cap for family income will increase. The following year will include families with a gross income of up to $110,000. From 2019 and beyond a family earning up to $125,000 can qualify. Students already enrolled in a SUNY or CUNY institution can also benefit from the new program. The intention behind the additional funding, according to its press release, is to work towards “alleviating crushing burden of student debt and placing more New Yorkers on path to financial security.” Of families who meet the economic standards, 80% are calculated to qualify for the program. Students who meet the monetary requirements must be consistently on track to graduate in four years with a passing grade point aver
    7 years ago by @prophe
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