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    The journal Energy Conversion and Management provides a forum for publishing original contributions and comprehensive technical review articles of interdisciplinary and original research on all important energy topics. The topics considered include energy generation, utilization, conversion, storage, transmission, conservation, management and sustainability. These topics typically involve various types of energy such as mechanical, thermal, nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic, magnetic and electric. These energy types cover all known energy resources, including renewable resources (e.g., solar, bio, hydro, wind, geothermal and ocean energy), fossil fuels and nuclear resources. Papers are welcome that investigate or consider the prospects of energy technologies, devices, systems, materials, processes, operation, performance, maintenance and control. Priority may be given to interdisciplinary energy subjects that deal with advanced technologies and that consider more than one of these methodologies: modeling, experimental, analysis and optimization, with appropriate verifications of the findings.
    10 years ago by @thorade

    The Journal of Hydrodynamics reflects the research activities in various areas of hydrodynamics related to ocean and ship engineering, environmental engineering, water conservancy and hydropower engineering, energy exploration, ocean and environmental engineering, and chemical engineering. These cover ship hydrodynamics, wave load and fluid-solid interactions, turbulence and boundary layer, cavitating flow and cavitation mechanics, multi-phase flow, pipe flow and open ditch flow, convection and diffusion, heat and mass transfer, bio-fluid mechanics, permeation fluid mechanics and other frontier disciplines. The journal presents the latest achievements in developing physical models and computational methods, theoretical and experimental studies, software development and test technologies. It offers a platform for exchanging experiences and information, enlivening academic thoughts and promoting the further development of hydrodynamic research and its applications in China and elsewhere.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Geothermal Technologies Program (GTP) is committed to developing and deploying a portfolio of innovative technologies for clean, domestic power generation. The Geothermal Technologies Program researches, develops, and validates innovative and cost-competitive technologies and tools to locate, access, and develop geothermal resources in the United States. We work in partnership with industry, academia, and DOE's national laboratories on research and development activities focused on these five areas: Enhanced Geothermal Systems Hydrothermal and Resource Confirmation Low-Temperature Resources Systems Analysis Technology Validation Why it Matters Geothermal energy, a virtually untapped energy resource derived from the earth's heat, is more vital today than ever—it supplies clean, renewable power around the clock, emits little or no greenhouse gases, and takes a very small environmental footprint to develop. By developing, demonstrating, and deploying innovative technologies, GTP's efforts are helping stimulate the growth of the geothermal industry within the renewable energy sector and encouraging quick adoption of technologies by the public and private sectors.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    GERG, the European Gas Research Group GERG policy is focused on the support of the European gas industry, which is achieved by research and technological innovation in all aspects of the gas chain; from production and processing, through transmission, storage and distribution, to utilisation of natural gas. Main Aims The main aims of the GERG policy for collaborative research, in phase with European policy, are to: improve the gas supply situation by ensuring the security of gas supply in Europe strengthen the safe transport,distribution and use of natural gas contribute to sustainable development by developing technology and systems that will: - reduce energy intensity - reduce emissions of CO2, CH4, NOX, SO2, CO and particulates - enable new gas applications in areas such as distributed generation - enable integration with renewable energy systems reduce costs contribute to regulation, especially concerning environment, safety and efficiency maintain strong links with related industries and with relevant research groups support and improve the image of the gas industry.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    The Official Journal of WREN - The World Renewable Energy Network The journal seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge of the various topics and technologies of renewable energy and is therefore aimed at assisting researchers, economists, manufacturers, world agencies and societies to keep abreast of new developments in their specialist fields and to unite in finding alternative energy solutions to current issues such as the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer. The scope of the journal encompasses the following: Photovoltaic Technology Conversion, Solar Thermal Applications, Biomass Conversion, Wind Energy Technology, Materials Science Technology, Solar and Low Energy Architecture, Energy Conservation in Buildings, Climatology and Meteorology (Geothermal, Wave and Tide, Ocean Thermal Energies, Mini Hydro Power and Hydrogen Production Technology), Socio-economic and Energy Management. Renewable Energy accepts original research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts. It promotes innovations, papers of a tutorial nature and a general exchange of news, views and new books on the above subjects.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    Applied Energy provides a forum for information on innovation, research, development and demonstration in the areas of energy conversion and conservation, the optimal use of energy resources, analysis and optimization of energy processes, mitigation of environmental pollutants, and sustainable energy systems. The journal publishes original papers, review articles, technical notes, and letters to editor. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts which bridge the gaps between research, development and implementation. The breadth of coverage ranges from innovative technologies and systems of both fossil and renewable energy to the economic industrial and domestic use of energy with no or minor impact on the environment. Applied Energy is also concerned with the attendant problems of modeling and forecasting, conservation strategies, and the environmental, social and economic impacts of energy policies and usage, including climate change mitigation and other environmental pollution reduction.
    13 years ago by @thorade


    ETDE World Energy Base or ETDEWEB is our Internet tool for disseminating the energy research and technology information that we collect and exchange. It also includes a federated searching option for one-stop searching of related science sites. Users in member countries and many developing countries have access privileges to ETDE's information. Some known user benefits include: * Staying abreast of recent developments in various research areas (including some basic sciences) * Avoiding duplication of research effort and learning from expected and unexpected results * Jump-starting research at a point further along than anticipated * Identifying which countries and people are involved in particular research areas * Promoting international cooperation in energy research and development * Understanding how countries deal with energy-related environmental and climate change issues * Finding approaches to energy use, including policy and economic factors, alternative and renewable energy sources, and conservation aspects * Finding a historical perspective on energy issues In addition to the energy research and technology information from ETDE member countries, the database contains citations published worldwide regarding nuclear, coal, and global climate change information. This broader coverage comes as a result of cooperation with other international partners. The database also contains information collected by the U.S. Department of Energy since 1974.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    The International Journal of Energy Research is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary platform for the discussion of issues arising in energy research without the constraints imposed by aiming at a restricted audience. It aims to reach all researchers, scientists, engineers, technology developers, planners and policy makers working in the areas of energy management, production, conversion, conservation, systems, technologies and applications, and their impact on the environment and sustainable development. The subject matter of the Journal is concerned with the development and exploitation of both traditional and new energy sources, systems, technologies and applications. Interdisciplinary subjects in the area of novel energy systems and applications are also encouraged. High-quality research papers are solicited in, but are not limited to, the following areas: * Energy conversion, conservation and management * Energy storage * Hydrogen energy and fuel cells * Hydrogen production technologies * Micro- and nano-energy systems and technologies * Exergy analysis * Thermodynamic optimization * Electronics cooling * Nuclear energy * Renewable energy (e.g. geothermal, solar, wind, hydro, tidal wave, biomass) * Energy and sustainable development * Energy and environmental impact * CO2 capturing and storage technologies * Clean coal technologies * Biofuels and alternatives * Life cycle assessment * Hybrid/integrated energy systems * Heat pumps and heat pipes * Advanced power generation and refrigeration systems * Energy system analysis and modelling Submitted manuscripts should report on original works in the area of novel energy systems and applications which may be expected to address current technical, technological, economic, environmental, performance, sustainability problems and bring potential solutions through improvements in efficiency, cost effectiveness, use of resources and sustainability, as well as improved energy security and improvements to the environment. IJER publishes high-quality original papers, review articles and short communications in the area of novel energy systems and applications. Those pertaining to modeling, theory, analysis, simulations, technology development, experiments, visualization and measurement techniques are also appropriate for the journal. IJER will also include letters to the editor, book reviews, an events calendar etc.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Die weltweit groesste Informationssammlung zur Windenergie-Nutzung in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt. Hier finden Sie aktuelle Statistiken zur Windkraft sowie Studien, Hintergrundinformationen, Branchenadressen und vieles mehr.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Erneuerbare Energien sorgen für regionale Wertschöpfung, neue Arbeitsplätze und mehr Klimaschutz in Deutschland. Die interaktive Deutschlandkarte zeigt mit einer Auswahl von mehr als 300 Standorten die Vielfalt der Branche in den Bereichen Entwicklung, Produktion, Projektierung, Finanzierung und Anlagenbetrieb von Erneuerbaren Energien.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    JRSE, published by the American Institute of Physics, is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of renewable and sustainable energy-related fields that apply to the physical science and engineering communities. Content is published online daily, collected into bimonthly issues (6 times a year). As an electronic-only, web-based journal with rapid publication time, JRSE is responsive to the many new developments expected in this field. The interdisciplinary approach of the publication ensures that the editors draw from researchers worldwide in a diverse range of fields. Topics covered include: * Bioenergy – bioreactions and bioengineering * Geothermal energy – geysers, heat pumps, and novel devices * Marine and hydroelectric energy – waves, tides, and dams * Nuclear energy – fission, fusion, and related materials * Solar energy – photovoltaics and solar thermal converters * Wind energy – turbines and electrical systems and controls * Energy conversion – solid oxide and proton exchange membrane fuel cells and novel devices * Energy efficient buildings – photovoltaics, solar thermal converters, and passive solar approaches * Energy storage – hydrogen and batteries * Power distribution – conventional and superconducting transmission, fluctuating loads, and controls * Renewable energy resource assessment * Transportation – hydrogen, batteries, fuel cells, bioenergy, and vehicles
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Freier Fachverlag für ökologisches Bauen und umweltfreundliche Technik. Versandbuchhandlung mit ausgewählter Literatur, Bauen und Technik rund um's Haus.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Infos und Herstellerüberblick rund um kleine Windkraftanlagen
    15 years ago by @thorade

    The International Geothermal Association (IGA), founded in 1988, is a scientific, educational and cultural organization established to operate worldwide. It has more than 3000 members in 65 countries. The IGA is a non-political, non-profit, non-governmental organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and Partner of the European Union for the Campaign for Take Off (CTO) the Renewable Energy. IGA is now affiliated to the Renewable Energy Alliance (IREA). OBJECTIVE: to encourage research, development and utilization of geothermal resources worldwide through the compilation, publication and dissemination of scientific and technical data and information, both within the community of geothermal specialists and between geothermal specialists and the general public.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement for a Cooperative Programme on Geothermal Energy Research and Technology, or Geothermal Implementing Agreement (GIA), provides an important framework for wide-ranging international cooperation in geothermal R&D. Its activities presently cover four different research areas: Environmental Impacts of Geothermal Development, Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Advanced Geothermal Drilling Technology and Direct Use of Geothermal Energy. The GIA has begun its third 5-year term of operation, which ends on 31 March 2012. The mission for this term is to promote the sustainable utilization of geothermal energy throughout the world by: improving existing technologies, developing new technologies to render exploitable the vast and widespread global geothermal resources, facilitating the transfer of know-how, providing high quality information and widely communicating geothermal energy's strategic, economic and environmental benefits.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Das Bundesumweltministerium informiert über die Sparten der erneuerbaren Energien. Die wichtigsten Themen im Überblick: * Nachrichten zum Thema Sonne, Wind, Wasser, Biomasse und Geothermie * Aktuelles zum Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) * Daten zur Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland * Forschungsergebnisse * Fördermöglichkeiten für die Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien * Bildungsmaterialien für Multiplikatoren
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Grundlagenforschung Energie 2020+ Energiepolitisches Ziel der Bundesregierung ist eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung, die den Kriterien Versorgungssicherheit, Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie Klima- und Umweltverträglichkeit Rechnung trägt. Eine sichere und wirtschaftliche Energieversorgung ist eine der Grundvoraussetzungen einer Industriegesellschaft. Fossile Energieträger, deren Vorkommen in absehbarer Zeit ausgebeutet sind, müssen durch neue Energiequellen ersetzt werden. Der Schutz unserer Lebenswelt und des weltweiten Klimas macht ehrgeizige Klimaschutzziele erforderlich. Auf EU-Ebene ist vereinbart, den Ausstoss von Treibhausgasen und den Primärenergieverbrauch um jeweils 20 Prozent zu verringern und den Anteil von erneuerbaren Energien an der Energieversorgung auf 20 Prozent zu erhöhen. Darüber hinaus gehend, will die Bundesregierung bis 2020 den Ausstoss von Treibhausgasen um bis zu 40 Prozent gegenüber 1990 reduzieren. Diese Ziele lassen sich nur durch eine Trendwende hin zu einer nachhaltigen Energiewirtschaft erreichen. Dabei spielen Innovation und technischer Fortschritt bei Energietechnologien eine Schlüsselrolle. Mittel- bis langfristig können Forschung und Entwicklung die Energieeffizienz von Kraftwerken, Gebäuden, technischen Verfahren und Produkten weiter steigern und neue Energietechniken verfügbar machen. Die Energieforschung bietet die Chance, unsere energie- und klimapolitischen Ziele wirksamer, schneller und kostengünstiger zu erreichen und zugleich unsere internationale technologische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auszubauen. Das im Juni 2005 beschlossene 5. Energieforschungsprogramm der Bundesregierung setzt den Rahmen für die unterschiedlichen von der Bundesregierung geförderten Schwerpunkte der Energieforschung. Aufgabe des neuen BMBF-Förderkonzepts "Grundlagenforschung Energie 2020+" ist es, durch grundlegende, langfristig angelegte Forschungsarbeiten neue technologische Optionen zu entwickeln. Sein besonderes Merkmal sind daher Förderangebote für ein weites Feld energietechnischer Entwicklungspfade, um zu der notwendigen Verdopplung der Energieproduktivität zwischen 1990 und 2020 beizutragen. Mit dem Förderkonzept werden insbesondere folgende Aufgabenschwerpunkte aufgegriffen: * Forschungsarbeiten, die Bedeutung für die hocheffiziente Energieerzeugung, -umwandlung, -speicherung, Endenergienutzung und den verlustarmen Energietransport haben. Auch nicht-technologische Arbeiten werden einbezogen, wie die Untersuchung ganzer Energiesysteme, Wertschöpfungsketten und Verhaltensweisen der Verbraucher, um neue Lösungen für den sparsamen und effizienten Umgang mit Energie zu finden. * Der Anteil erneuerbarer Energien an unserer Energieversorgung muss erhöht werden. Dazu sind Entwicklungen für Technologien der nächsten Generation notwendig, insbesondere für die photovoltaische Stromerzeugung und die Bioenergie. * Die Kohle wird noch für Jahrzehnte eine wichtige Rolle für unsere Energieversorgung spielen. Daher hat die Entwicklung von Technologien zur Abscheidung von CO2 aus Kohlekraftwerken und die anschließende Speicherung strategische Bedeutung. Forschungsarbeiten zur untertägigen Speicherung von CO2 kommt dabei eine besondere Rolle zu. * Die kerntechnische Kompetenz für den geordneten Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie soll gesichert werden durch Arbeiten zur Strahlenforschung und zur nuklearen Sicherheits- und Entsorgungsforschung. * Mit der Fusionsforschung soll eine langfristige Option für eine sichere Stromversorgung erschlossen werden.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    This journal is a multi-disciplinary focus for activities relating to the development, assessment and management of energy-related programs. It is hoped that this publication will prove to be an important factor in raising the standards of discussions, analyses, and evaluations relating to energy programs. The following are among the topical areas on which important contributions are solicited: input-output analyses relating to energy-consuming systems, careful resource or reserve assessments of all types, energy-conservation measures and their implementations, incisive evaluation of energy-systems managements, environmental-impact assessments, and policy alternatives stressing economic implications.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Das Regenerative Kombikraftwerk verknüpft und steuert 36 über ganz Deutschland verstreute Wind-, Solar-, Biomasse- und Wasserkraftanlagen. Es ist ebenso zuverlässig und leistungsstark wie ein herkömmliches Großkraftwerk. Das regenerative Kombikraftwerk zeigt, wie durch die gemeinsame Regelung kleiner und dezentraler Anlagen bedarfsgerecht und zuverlässig Strom bereitgestellt werden kann.
    15 years ago by @thorade