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    Building and Environment is an international journal that publishes original research papers and review articles related to building science and human interaction with the built environment. The Journal invites research articles conveying robust, tested knowledge on: •technologies and integrated systems for high performance buildings and cities •thermal, acoustic, visual, air quality building science and human impacts •tools for the design and decision-making community, including tested computational, economic, educational and policy tools. •solutions for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving low carbon, sustainable built environments. The Journal is focused on new knowledge, rigorously verified with measurement and analysis, related to the environmental performance of buildings in different scales, ranging from cities, communities, buildings, to building systems and assemblies.
    8 years ago by @thorade

    Physical Review Letters (PRL) is the world’s premier physics letter journal. It publishes short, high quality reports of significant and notable results in the full arc of fundamental and interdisciplinary physics research. PRL provides readers with the most influential developments and transformative ideas in physics with the goal of moving physics forward. We are the most cited physics journal — every two minutes someone cites a PRL. Authors gain high visibility, rapid publication, and broad dissemination of their work. To maintain its mission of providing high-profile publication of important results in all areas of physics, PRL maintains strict acceptance criteria. In addition to being scientifically valid, published Letters must meet our criteria of impact, innovation, and interest by doing at least one of the following: Open a new area of research, or new avenues of research within an established area, and therefore significantly influence the research of others. Solve, or make essential steps towards solving, a critical outstanding problem. If presenting a new technique, or methodology, it should play a pivotal role in future physics research, and make apparent its immediate consequences for physicists. In rare instances a Letter may also be of unusual intrinsic interest to our broad audience. Like all American Physical Society (APS) Physical Review journals, PRL is community driven and operated by physicists. This means that its mission, scope, and standards are ultimately established by the needs of our community, rather than commercial interests. PRL has a strong international scope with the majority of published articles, and active referees, originating from outside the United States of America.
    9 years ago by @thorade

    Building Simulation: An International Journal publishes original, high quality, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles dealing with modeling and simulation of buildings including their systems. The goal is to promote the field of building science and technology to such a level that modeling will eventually be used in every aspect of building construction as a routine instead of an exception. Of particular interest are papers that reflect recent developments and applications of modeling tools and their impact on advances of building science and technology. Paper submission is solicited for the following five fixed sections: A: Building thermal, lighting, and acoustics modeling B: Building systems and components C: Indoor/outdoor airflow and air quality D: Architecture and human behavior E: Advances in modeling and simulation tools The above scope will develop as the field of building simulation evolves. Authors are encouraged to contribute papers from different angles of interest, making Building Simulation: An International Journal a dynamic channel and valuable resource for new scientific findings and engineering applications.
    10 years ago by @thorade

    Journal of Building Performance Simulation (JBPS) is the official journal of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). IBPSA is a non-profit international society of computational building performance simulation researchers, developers, practitioners and users, dedicated to improving the design, construction, operation and maintenance of new and existing buildings worldwide. JBPS publishes articles of the highest quality that are original, cutting-edge, well-researched and of significance to the international community. The journal also offers a forum for original review papers and researched case studies. The Journal embraces research, technology and tool development related to building performance modelling and simulation, as well as their applications to design, operation and management of the built environment. This includes modelling and simulation aspects of building performance in relation to other research areas such as building physics, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, control engineering, facility management, architecture, ergonomics, psychology, physiology, computational engineering, information technology and education. The scope of topics includes the following: Theoretical aspects of building performance modelling and simulation. Methodology and application of building performance simulation for any stage of design, construction, commissioning, operation or management of buildings and the systems which service them. Uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, calibration, and optimization. Methods and algorithms for performance optimization of building and the systems which service them. Methods and algorithms for software design, validation, verification and solution methods. All articles submitted to JBPS are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable for further consideration, enter peer review by independent, anonymous, expert referees. The Journal operates double-blind peer review and all submissions are to be made online using the JBPS ScholarOne site
    10 years ago by @thorade

    The journal Energy Conversion and Management provides a forum for publishing original contributions and comprehensive technical review articles of interdisciplinary and original research on all important energy topics. The topics considered include energy generation, utilization, conversion, storage, transmission, conservation, management and sustainability. These topics typically involve various types of energy such as mechanical, thermal, nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic, magnetic and electric. These energy types cover all known energy resources, including renewable resources (e.g., solar, bio, hydro, wind, geothermal and ocean energy), fossil fuels and nuclear resources. Papers are welcome that investigate or consider the prospects of energy technologies, devices, systems, materials, processes, operation, performance, maintenance and control. Priority may be given to interdisciplinary energy subjects that deal with advanced technologies and that consider more than one of these methodologies: modeling, experimental, analysis and optimization, with appropriate verifications of the findings.
    10 years ago by @thorade


    The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The DOAJ aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. In short, the DOAJ aims to be the one-stop shop for users of open access journals.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    The purpose and scope of the International Journal of Thermodynamics is to provide a forum for the publication of original theoretical and applied work in the field of thermodynamics as it relates to systems, states, processes, and both non-equilibrium and equilibrium phenomena at all temporal and spatial scales. The journal, thus, provides a multidisciplinary and international platform for the dissemination to academia and industry of both scientific and engineering contributions, which touch upon a broad class of disciplines that are foundationally linked to thermodynamics and the methods and analyses derived there from. A common thread throughout is that of assessing how both the first and particularly the second laws of thermodynamics touch upon these disciplines.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    The objectives of the Journal are: to publish papers based upon authoritative lectures presented at IUPAC sponsored conferences, symposia and workshops. to publish papers or collections of papers by invitation, as special topic features. to publish IUPAC Recommendations on nomenclature, symbols and units. to publish IUPAC Technical Reports on standardization, recommended procedures, collaborative studies, data compilations, etc.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    Citations and Impact Factor Nature is the world's most highly cited interdisciplinary science journal, according to the 2012 Journal Citation Reports Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2013). Its Impact Factor is 38.597. The impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of citations in a calendar year to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years. It is an independent measure calculated by Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, USA. Aims and scope Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public. Nature's mission statement First, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning science. Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily life. Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November 1869.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    Physical Review A (PRA) provides a dependable resource of worldwide developments in the rapidly evolving area of atomic, molecular, and optical physics and related fundamental concepts. The journal contains articles on quantum mechanics including quantum information theory, atomic and molecular structure and dynamics, collisions and interactions (including interactions with surfaces and solids), clusters (including fullerenes), atomic and molecular processes in external fields, matter waves (including Bose-Einstein condensation), and optics, both quantum and classical.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    Chemical Physics Letters publishes brief reports on molecules, interfaces, condensed phases, nanomaterials and nanostructures, polymers, biomolecular systems, and energy conversion and storage. Criteria for publication are quality, urgency and impact. Further, experimental results reported in the journal have direct relevance for theory, and theoretical developments or non-routine computations relate directly to experiment. Manuscripts must satisfy these criteria and should not be minor extensions of previous work.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    Journal of Thermal Science publishes high-quality articles on experimental, numerical and theoretical investigations which give insight into the major areas of thermal and fluid sciences. It publishes contributions in the fields of fluid mechanics, aerothermodynamics of internal flow, heat and mass transfer, multiphase flow, turbulence modeling, combustion, engineering thermodynamics, thermophysical properties of matter, measurement and visualization techniques. The journal also includes technical papers concerning the application of fundamental knowledge to industrial processes and equipment, such as energy conversion and conservation, turbomachinery, heat transfer equipment, furnaces and boilers. Journal of Thermal Science incorporates review articles, technical notes, short communications and discussions on previously published papers. Technical notes provide an opportunity to rapidly disseminate research results that are of timely interest to the thermal and fluid sciences community.
    11 years ago by @thorade



    Applied Mathematics and Computation addresses work at the interface between applied mathematics, numerical computation, and applications of systems – oriented ideas to the physical, biological, social, and behavioral sciences, and emphasizes papers of a computational nature focusing on new algorithms, their analysis and numerical results. In addition to presenting research papers, Applied Mathematics and Computation publishes review articles and single–topics issues. Please also visit the Electronic Service of Applied Mathematics and Computation at
    12 years ago by @thorade

    Experimental Heat Transfer provides a forum for experimentally based high quality research articles and communications in the general area of heat-mass transfer and the related fluid dynamics. In addition to the established multifaceted areas of thermal energy conversion and transport that are intimately connected to heat transfer related research, the journal also communicates contributions from new and emerging areas of research such as micro- and nanoscale science and technology, life sciences and biomedical engineering, manufacturing processes, materials science, and engineering. In all of these areas heat transfer plays an important role, in particular, in the form of innovative experiments and systems for direct measurements and analysis, as well as to verify or complement theoretical models. All contributions to the journal add to the knowledge base in heat transfer from the standpoint of fundamentals or applications. All papers are thoroughly peer refereed.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    Algorithms, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    Presents original and review papers on all aspects of numerical algorithms Coverage includes new algorithms, theoretical results, implementation, numerical stability, complexity, parallel computing, subroutines and applications Also provides book reviews and announcements of scientific meetings The journal Numerical Algorithms presents original and review papers on all aspects of numerical algorithms: new algorithms, theoretical results, implementation, numerical stability, complexity, parallel computing, subroutines and applications. Papers on computer algebra related to obtaining numerical results also included. The journal offers high quality papers containing material not published elsewhere. The journal also provides book reviews and announcements of scientific meetings.
    12 years ago by @thorade