
Integrate into TYPO3

For Typo3 v1.0-v5.9 you can use BibSonomy Typo3-Extension to integrate lists of publications from BibSonomy into your pages. In Typo3 v6.0 there are some major changes, so we implemented a new extension based on Typo3 Flow. If you are using Typo3 v6.0 or above, please use the following extension: BibSonomy CSL (ext_bibsonomy_csl).

With our new extension, you can add lists of publications from BibSonomy to your pages and you can style your bibliography with CSL (Citation Style Language) stylesheets. To get started quickly, you can choose from a set of pre-installed stylesheets. But you can also change these pre-installed styles or create your own stylesheets. Additionally, you have the option to add your BibSonomy tag cloud to your website.


After you have installed the Typo3 plugin, there are several options for administration. Information on installing the plugin and managing CSL styles can be found here.

Add publication lists with the Frontend Plugin

After you installed and activated the extension, you can create publication lists. Visit this page for help.

Add your Tag Cloud with the Frontend Plugin

You can also add your BibSonomy tag cloud to your pages. To do so, this page might help you.

Click here to go back to beginner's area and learn more about the basic functions.