Every user can add publications to BibSonomy. Thus, our database continues to grow with its users. This instruction shows multiple ways to achieve this.
The BibSonomy-addon can help you with that. It automatically collects metadata from various systems. This manual explains how to install it.
You can also add publications by entering information yourself. Click in the main menu on the buttons "add post" and "add publication". Here, you can also enter the ISBN-, DOI- or ISSN-number. Follow this instruction for more information.
It is possible to import a publication from other literature management software (e.g. Citavi). For that, you will first need to create a BibTeX-dataset and secondly import it to BibSonomy. Follow this instruction for more information.
If you have access to a webcam, this way might be suitable for you. It is possible to scan the ISBN code of your publication with it and thereby adding it to BibSonomy. For help with that, visit this instruction.
Would you like to import multiple publications at once? Follow this instruction to learn, how to use a BibTeX- or EndNote-file to import a list of publications.
Click here to go back to beginner's area and learn more about the basic functions.