I had an interesting chat with Miko Matsumura VP and Deputy CTO of Software AG the other day. While we ranged widely, the official topic was Software AG’s launch of AlignSpace. AlignSpace is a hosted “Social BPM” solution supporting collaborative process discovery. The idea is that it will combine:
Social networking (around process definitions)
Collaborative design of processes
Translation of a wide variety of process models
A process marketplace
There aren’t many specific details yet (the site has an overview of these things but no details) but Miko discussed some of the key characteristics he felt an offering would need to deliver on this idea of social BPM:
Easy to use, low barrier to entry so those with process know-how but not technical skills (in modeling for instance) can participate.
A pricing model that let’s people participate even those with a fairly small role
Widespread access so that everyone can participate
Independence so that companies are not excluded because of their technology or standards choices.
Community - it is not enough to have “social media” features, it must actually build a community around processes
A marketplace of experts, skills and information must be created so people can buy and sell process expertise.
Broadband Mechanics provides a world class platform for building customized, leading edge social networking and user generated content websites. Our platform is licensed as installable or hosted software, and we provide professional services to customize it to your specifications!
A decentralized unified messaging and data exchange project based on FOAF profiles.
* Decentralized Architecture
* Human Client (appropriate visualization, e.g. friends as avatars on desktop)
Usecases (Protocol and API)
* Find/Search a friend
* Invite a friend
* Authenticate (in order to see the details of a friend's profile)
* Register a new identity
* Become trusted
* Hand over a file to a friend
* Talk to a friend
* Leave a message
* Share Clipboard
J.D. Lasica is one of the world's leading authorities on social media and the revolution in user-created media. A writer, strategist, blogger and consultant, he is the co-founder and editorial director of Ourmedia.org, president of the Social Media Group
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M. Yuen, L. Chen, and I. King. International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2009 (CSE 20009), 4, page 723-728. IEEE, (August 2009)