niin & näin 2019
Kun aivomme lukevat tekstiä silmäillen, emme ehdi tavoittaa asioiden monimutkaisuutta, ymmärtää toisten ihmisten tunteita tai havaita kauneutta. Maryanne Wolf haluaa raivata tilaa syventyneelle luku- ja kirjoitustaidolle.
By Joan Richardson | Nov 1, 2014 | Interview
Every child needs a repertoire of digital skills, but educators also must ensure children develop the deep reading skills of an expert reader.
BTS 21 nov 2021: Klassekampen sin sju-sidars feature laurdag 13. november handlar om barn og undom og lesing, nådelaust oppsummert i tittelen «Kortleserne : Skjermen drepte kjedsomheten. Og langlesingen». For følgjarane av denne bloggen er dette lite nytt, og for mange berre deprimerande. Sjølv om kanskje bibliotekarar under tretti sjølve tilhøyrer den same «lese-generasjonen»? Men likevel nokre høgdepunkt: Avisa…
Made by Daniel Nils Roberts, originally published on 7 October 2021.
Maryanne Wolf hoping for 'biliterate' brains, children and minds.
Things *not* mentioned: library, neuroplasticity
La leçon d'écriture de Claude Lévi-Strauss La scène se déroule au début du mois d’août 1938. Claude Lévi-Strauss étudie depuis près de deux mois les Indiens Nambikwara de passage, durant la saison nomade, à un poste télégraphique brésilien nommé Utiariti, non loin de la frontière bolivienne. Une épidémie d’infection ophtalmique s’est déclarée chez les…
"It’s time to imagine what a library can do "
May 24, 2021, A Letter From Bibliotheca CEO Ray Hood: As Leaders In Innovation, We Have A Long Legacy Of Providing Libraries & Communities Worldwide With Solutions That Increase Access
The Vault is our new FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents and other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office.
The 9 criteria of Newsguard determining wether a source on the internet is to be labelled green, red, satire or platform:
1) Does not repeatedly publish false content 22 p
2) Gathers and presents information responsibly 18 p
3) Regularly corrects or clarifies errors 12,5 p
4) Handles the difference between news and opinion responsibly 12,5 p
5) Avoids deceptive headlines 10 p
6) Website discloses ownership and financing 7,5 p
7) Clearly labels advertising 7,5 p
8) Reveals who’s in charge, including possible conflicts of interest 5 p
9) The site provides the names of content creators, along with either contact or biographical information 5 p
A site with a score of 60 points or higher receives a Green rating. A site with a score lower than 60 points receives a Red rating. Platforms and satire sites are given separate designations and are not assessed using the nine criteria.
Klassekampen sin sju-sidars feature laurdag 13. november handlar om barn og undom og lesing, nådelaust oppsummert i tittelen «Kortleserne : Skjermen drepte kjedsomheten. Og langlesingen». For følgjarane av denne bloggen er dette lite nytt, og for mange berre deprimerande. Sjølv om kanskje bibliotekarar under tretti sjølve tilhøyrer den same «lese-generasjonen»? Men likevel nokre høgdepunkt: Avisa…
BBC 2021 Watch the "What does reading on screens do to our brains?" video at BBC Ideas. Explore other related content via our curated "The Open University" playlist.
H. Chang, Z. Yao, A. Gon, H. Yu, and A. McCallum. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, page 12707--12730. Toronto, Canada, Association for Computational Linguistics, (July 2023)
H. Chang, and A. McCallum. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), page 8048--8073. Dublin, Ireland, Association for Computational Linguistics, (May 2022)
A. Nichol, and P. Dhariwal. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, volume 139 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 8162--8171. PMLR, (18--24 Jul 2021)
D. Yang, P. Rosso, B. Li, and P. Cudre-Mauroux. Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, page 1162–1172. New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, (2019)