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    AGRA: Acting on a directive from chief minister Yogi Adityanath to curb the menace of mass cheating in the ongoing UP Board examinations, a team of invigilators led by Agra University vice-chancellor conducted a surprise raid at a private college and caught the owner red-handed while assisting students in copying. The raid was conducted on Wednesday evening by a four-member team at Manish Sharma College on Deori road under Sadar police jurisdiction. The private college is owned by Prashant Sharma. Talking to TOI, professor Luvkush Mishra, a team member, said, "It was astonishing to see that the owner of the college was acting as the center superintendent for examinations in the college. There was no principal or invigilators in the college." According to university norms, only principal, center superintendent and invigilators are allowed during exam hours. "Acting as the centre superintendent, Prashant was signing and collecting the answer-sheets that were mostly blank. After examination hours, he gave those blank answer sheets to the boys he had hired and dictated answers to them," said professor Mishra. The team found several bundles of answer sheets at Prashant's office that were not sealed after the exams. Arvind Dixit, VC of Agra University, said, "After conducting the exam, the answer sheets must be sealed within half-an-hour in the presence of invigilators and centre superintendent. However, we found several bundles that were not sealed." The team members said that after the boys had filled up the sheets, Prashant placed it between the bundles and sent it to the respective centres. On Wednesday , the team seized all the answer sheets and urged the regional higher education officer to take strict action against the accused. In order to conduct the remaining examinations, the VC has allotted four invigilators and a center superintendent from Agra University to Manish Sharma College. According to an Agra University official, CM Aditya Nath Yogi had called a high-level meeting of university VCs on Tuesday an
    7 years ago by @prophe
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