bookmarks  29


    Building and Environment is an international journal that publishes original research papers and review articles related to building science and human interaction with the built environment. The Journal invites research articles conveying robust, tested knowledge on: •technologies and integrated systems for high performance buildings and cities •thermal, acoustic, visual, air quality building science and human impacts •tools for the design and decision-making community, including tested computational, economic, educational and policy tools. •solutions for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving low carbon, sustainable built environments. The Journal is focused on new knowledge, rigorously verified with measurement and analysis, related to the environmental performance of buildings in different scales, ranging from cities, communities, buildings, to building systems and assemblies.
    8 years ago by @thorade

    Building Simulation: An International Journal publishes original, high quality, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles dealing with modeling and simulation of buildings including their systems. The goal is to promote the field of building science and technology to such a level that modeling will eventually be used in every aspect of building construction as a routine instead of an exception. Of particular interest are papers that reflect recent developments and applications of modeling tools and their impact on advances of building science and technology. Paper submission is solicited for the following five fixed sections: A: Building thermal, lighting, and acoustics modeling B: Building systems and components C: Indoor/outdoor airflow and air quality D: Architecture and human behavior E: Advances in modeling and simulation tools The above scope will develop as the field of building simulation evolves. Authors are encouraged to contribute papers from different angles of interest, making Building Simulation: An International Journal a dynamic channel and valuable resource for new scientific findings and engineering applications.
    10 years ago by @thorade

    Journal of Building Performance Simulation (JBPS) is the official journal of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). IBPSA is a non-profit international society of computational building performance simulation researchers, developers, practitioners and users, dedicated to improving the design, construction, operation and maintenance of new and existing buildings worldwide. JBPS publishes articles of the highest quality that are original, cutting-edge, well-researched and of significance to the international community. The journal also offers a forum for original review papers and researched case studies. The Journal embraces research, technology and tool development related to building performance modelling and simulation, as well as their applications to design, operation and management of the built environment. This includes modelling and simulation aspects of building performance in relation to other research areas such as building physics, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, control engineering, facility management, architecture, ergonomics, psychology, physiology, computational engineering, information technology and education. The scope of topics includes the following: Theoretical aspects of building performance modelling and simulation. Methodology and application of building performance simulation for any stage of design, construction, commissioning, operation or management of buildings and the systems which service them. Uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, calibration, and optimization. Methods and algorithms for performance optimization of building and the systems which service them. Methods and algorithms for software design, validation, verification and solution methods. All articles submitted to JBPS are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable for further consideration, enter peer review by independent, anonymous, expert referees. The Journal operates double-blind peer review and all submissions are to be made online using the JBPS ScholarOne site
    10 years ago by @thorade

    This library is written in Modelica. The purpose of this library is to calculate fluid properties from an equation of state (EoS), directly within Modelica and not from an external dll. It supports EoS of the form f=f(T,d) meaning Helmholtz energy as a funtion of temperature and density. In addition to all state properties, this library calculates viscosity, thermal conductivity and surface tension. So far, the fluids n-Butane, R134a and Isobutane are implemented, but not fully validated. The next fluids to be implemented are probably isopentane, propane, ammonia, CO2 and other possible working fluids for Organic-Rankine-Cycles.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    Die at veröffentlicht Beiträge aus dem gesamten Bereich der Automatisierungstechnik. Mit den mit Automatisierungstechnik befassten Forschungs- und Hochschul-Instituten ist sie eng verbunden. Der Industrie dient sie als wichtige Orientierungshilfe, wenn es darum geht, die Entwicklung theoretischer Verfahren und deren potenzielle Einsatzmöglichkeiten zu verfolgen. Die at ist Organ der GMA (VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik) und NAMUR (Interessengemeinschaft Automatisierungstechnik der Prozessindustrie)
    13 years ago by @thorade

    Modelon offers Modelica-based solutions for a range of industries and applications. Our unique expertise is consulted by customers all over the world.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    SimulationX is a graphically-interactive tool for the holistic modeling, simulation and analysis of multi-domain systems from 1D to 3D. Multi-level customizing options and SimulationX’s capability to adjust the model’s complexity by mouse-click allow modeling in every step of the design process. Ready-to-use model libraries, e.g., for mechanics, multi-body systems, power transmission, hydraulics, pneumatics, thermodynamics, and electric drives are written in Modelica language. Libraries are extendable by Modelica-based modeling using the SimulationX TypeDesigner. A comprehensive API supports the integration into any CAE, CFD, CAD or database tool environment. Versatile interfaces offer plenty of opportunities for exporting models in terms of Simulink S-function and C-Code for HiL, RCP and other real-time applications. Different features (tracing, performance analyzer, switchable model complexity) support users in achieving real-time-capabilities.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    High-Performance Physical Modeling and Simulation MapleSim is a physical modeling and simulation tool built on a foundation of symbolic computation technology. It efficiently handles all of the complex mathematics involved in the development of engineering models, including multi-domain systems, plant modeling, and control design. MapleSim reduces model development time from months to days while producing high-fidelity, high-performance models.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    MathModelica makes it possible to develop advanced multi-engineering and life science models by simple drag & drop. MathModelica provides an environment for model based design, including support for modeling, simulation, analysis, and documentation.
    13 years ago by @thorade

    EES ('ease') is a revolutionary program which will change the way you think and work. EES provides capabilities not found in any other equation solving program. EES will solve large sets of non-linear algebraic and differential equations. EES also provides publication-quality plots, linear and non-linear regression, optimization, unit conversion and consistency checking, and uncertainty analyses. Built-in functions are provided for thermodynamic and transport properties of many substances, including steam, air, refrigerants, cryogenic fluids, JANAF table gases, hydrocarbons and psychrometrics. Additional property data can be added. EES also allows user-written functions, procedures, modules, and tabular data. EES can also interface with REFPROP and other NIST fluid property programs. REFPROP provides the most advanced methods for estimating the properties of mixtures. The Professional version allows many other additional features including animation and the ability to make stand-alone programs.
    14 years ago by @thorade

    Die Chemie Ingenieur Technik ist die wohl angesehenste deutschsprachige Zeitschrift für Verfahrensingenieure, technische Chemiker, Apparatebauer und Biotechnologen. Als Fachorgan von DECHEMA, GDCh und VDI-GVC gilt sie als das unverzichtbare Forum für den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Forschern und Anwendern aus Industrie, Forschung und Entwicklung. Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt und Praxisnähe: Eine Kombination, die es nur in der CIT gibt! Die Chemie Ingenieur Technik bietet Ihnen z.B. Themenhefte als Kompendien des Standes der Technik, herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit den Top-Experten. Nirgendwo finden Fachleute und Einsteiger einen so umfassenden und gleichzeitig aktuellen Überblick über ihr Gebiet. Sie wollen wissen, was die Zukunftstechnologien sind? Sie wollen wissen, wer die führenden Köpfe sind? Finden Sie es heraus - mit dem Sonderheft zu den GVC-DECHEMA-Jahrestagungen: 400 Kurzfassungen fassen das Neueste kurz und prägnant zusammen und erleichtern die Kontaktaufnahme! ISSN: 0009-286X (print), 1522-2640 (online) Chemieingenieurwesen, Technische Chemie, Chemische Industrie, Verfahrenstechnik, Reaktionstechnik, Apparatebau, Verfahrensentwicklung, Biotechnologie, Simulation, Modellierung
    14 years ago by @thorade

    gPROMS is an equation-oriented modelling system used for building, validating and executing first-principles models within a flowsheeting framework. Models are constructed in the gPROMS ModelBuilder by writing down the fundamental chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, operating procedures and other relationships that govern the process or product behaviour. The resulting model is then validated against observed data — typically, laboratory, pilot plant or operating data — to adjust model parameters such as heat transfer coefficients to match reality as closely as possible. Of course, you don't need to create a model from scratch every time – you can use one of the many state-of-the-art gPROMS model libraries, or create your own library for publishing throughout your organisation. Solution accuracy – for multiple applications The first-principles approach combined with rigorous validation results in models of unprecedented accuracy. Once a model exists, it can be solved in many different ways to perform many different activities – for example, steady-state simulation, dynamic simulation, parameter estimation, model-based experiment design, steady-state and dynamic optimisation, including integer optimisation, or generation of linearised models for use in control and online optimisation, across the process lifecycle. This means that once you have invested in creating an accurate gPROMS model of your process you can use that model wherever it can generate value, to ensure multiple return on investment. PSE ModelCare PSE recognises that creating high-accuracy process models requires expertise in many different domains – chemical engineering, physics, chemistry, hydrodynamics and modelling and numerical solution itself. That is why we provide the ModelCare service. ModelCare aims to help companies deliver fit-for purpose modelling applications rapidly, while transferring modelling know-how to customer organisations.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    The aim of this project is to set up a tool composed of * a graphical Modelica editor, aimed at writing the plant model; * an editor for IEC 61131-3 languages (currently, the Ladder Diagram, Sequential Functional Chart and the Functional Block Diagram are being considered), aimed at writing the controller model; * a compiler to turn IEC 61131-3 code into executable code on selected target platforms; * a pre-compiler capable of translating both the plant and controller model in a single Modelica file, to be fed to any Modelica translator for simulation; * an interface to the OpenModelica compiler, for Modelica code parsing, compilation, and simulation; * a simulation output browser. SimForge is fully written in Java (thus crossplatform), uses the XML language as internal data format for maximum openness and transparency, and is entirely free software, released under the terms of the GPL license. It is the authors' intention to allow SimForge to operate with any Modelica compiler, so as to maximise its use and to have the maximum amount of feedback for improvement. Currently, SimForge works with the open source OpenModelica compiler. If you are not interested in IEC 61131-3 controller development, you can still use SimForge as a full-fledged, free, open-source graphical user interface to the OpenModelica compiler.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    1. Research Article (5000 words) Method development: describes new computation methods for the geosciences using standard scientific article format; includes a range of methods such as those for geoscience information infrastructure, collection, representation, management, analysis, visualization, as well as for software development and scientific and social use of geoscience information. This also includes new educational methods as well as comparison of significant computational methods for the geosciences using well-defined benchmarks to reveal new understanding about the nature or use of the methods. In general, papers should include both a novel method or comparison, and a demonstration of relevance to the geosciences. Emphasis is on novelty of method, or comparison with other methods. The highest level of academic quality is expected in terms of citation of appropriate resources, proper referencing of the source of figures, and disclosure of related articles by the same author(s) with related content. 2. Application Article (5000 words) Application development: describes new digital products created for the geosciences using existing computational methods, and discusses their novelty as well as significance and relevance to important geoscience issues: e.g. a novel database, a significant resource assessment, a novel software application or web service. This also includes comparison of products using well-defined benchmarks to reveal a new understanding about the nature or use of the products. Emphasis is on novelty or significance of the application, or comparison of applications or products. Author(s) must disclose financial relationships to product vendors, where applicable, and product endorsements are not accepted. 3. Review Article Scientific review (6000 words): critically describes the state-of-the art of some field in computation for the geosciences. Emphasis is on completeness, depth and novelty of the critical review. Reviews must be timely, of general interest, high quality, written by recognized experts, and will be run only on an occasional basis. Review outlines should be pre-approved by a member of the C&G editorial board, and reviews may be used to frame special C&G issues. 4 Short Note Short Notes (maximum 1500 words) provide a brief description of an application or a timely research development. Emphasis is on novelty or significance of the research or application. An abstract is not required. 5. Book and Software Reviews Book and software reviews (1500 words): describe and evaluate a new book or similar significant publication relevant to computation in the geosciences. Software reviews are also published. 6. Letter to the Editor Letters to the Editor provide a mechanism to debate issues arising from published articles. They are intended to serve workers in academia, industry and government.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    FEFLOW ist ein professionelles Softwarepaket zur Berechnung von Wasserströmung, Massen- und Wärmetransport in porösen Medien. FEFLOW beinhaltet, Pre- und Postprocessing-Funktionalität und einen effizienten Simulationskern. Eine benutzerfreundliche grafische Oberfläche erlaubt die komfortable Steuerung der umfangreichen Modellierungsmöglichkeiten. FEFLOW User Group Meetings & Kurse FEFLOW User Group Meetings & Kurse FEFLOW ist im Gegensatz zu manchen Konkurrenzprodukten nicht eine grafische Oberfläche für einen separaten Simulationskern. FEFLOW ist ein vollständig integrales System - vom Simulationskern über die Eingabeoberfläche zum Postprozessor. Es bietet zudem eine offene Programmierschnittstelle. FEFLOW wird von der DHI-WASY GmbH entwickelt. DHI-WASY ist vor allem auf den Gebieten Grundwasserhydrologie, Oberflächenwasserhydrologie und GIS tätig. In diesen Bereichen bietet DHI-WASY Software, Schulungen und Consultingleistungen an. FEFLOW ist weltweit bei führenden Forschungsinstituten, Universitäten, Ingenieurbüros und Behörden im Einsatz. Die Anwendungen reichen von einfachen lokalen Modellen bis zu komplexen großskaligen Simulationen.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Conceived by the Hydraulic Institute (HI), Pump Systems MatterTM(PSM) is an educational initiative created to assist North American pump system users gain a more competitive business advantage through strategic, broad-based energy management and pump system performance optimization. A primary objective of the initiative is to change the decision-making process for the purchase of pumping systems. Pump Systems Matter will promote educated decision-making based on life cycle costs and systems optimization concepts, thereby accounting for energy, maintenance and other significant costs factors of operating a pumping system. PSM seeks to transform the market by changing owner and operator decision-making on pumping systems from a focus on first cost to a focus on life cycle costs, while helping pump users capture significant energy-savings and performance improvements. Pump Systems Matter, to be successful, requires collaboration and teamwork between pump manufacturers, pump supplier OEM's, pump systems designers, contractors and users, as well as utilities, the energy efficiency program community, government agencies, academia and other associations. Alone, this challenge is too big for any single group. Working together, PSM Sponsors can identify the key market opportunities, technology, training, tools, education and incentive programs that will transform this market, reduce energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and place a focus on buying based on life cycle cost and total cost of ownership. PSM will collaborate with its stakeholders to build PSM into a significant new educational program offering unique resources of value to all participants. The PSM organization invites interested organizations to become sponsors. To learn more about how Pump Systems Matter was inspired and developed, review "Why Pump Systems Matter," a paper presented at the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy and Industry on July 20, 2005.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    COCO (CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN) is a free-of-charge CAPE-OPEN compliant steady-state simulation environment consisting of the following components: COFE - the CAPE-OPEN Flowsheet Environment is an intuitive graphical user interface to chemical flowsheeting. COFE has sequential solution algorithm using automatic tear streams. COFE displays properties of streams, deals with unit-conversion and provides plotting facilities. TEA - COCO's Thermodynamics for Engineering Applications, is based on the code of the thermodynamic library of ChemSep and includes a data bank of over 190 commonly used chemicals. The package exhibits more than 100 property calculation methods with their analytical or numerical derivatives. COUSCOUS - the CAPE-OPEN Unit-operations Simple package is shipped with COCO. It contains a splitter, a mixer, heat-exchangers, pumps and reactors amongst other unit operations. ChemSep-LITE, a limited version of ChemSep with a maximum of 10 components and 150 stages, can serve as an equilibrium distillation unit operation in COCO. A full version of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium column simulator can be obtained at ChemSep-LITE is included in the COCO installation. CORN - the CAPE-OPEN Reaction Numerics package that comes with COCO facilitates specifying any kind of kinetic or equilibrium reaction. Simple reactor units, like conversion reactors, CSTRs and plug flow reactors that can use the CORN package come with the COUSCOUS package.
    15 years ago by @thorade
  • is an extensible Modelica-based open source platform for optimization, simulation and analysis of complex dynamic systems. The main objective of the project is to create an industrially viable open source platform for optimization of Modelica models, while offering a flexible platform serving as a virtual lab for algorithm development and research. As such, is intended to provide a platform for technology transfer where industrially relevant problems can inspire new research and where state of the art algorithms can be propagated form academia into industrial use. is a result of research at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, and is now maintained and developed by Modelon AB.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Modelica libraries for embedded systems modeling and simulation EUROSYSLIB is an ITEA2 project (ITEA2 06020) that started in October 2007 and extends to March 2010. The intent of the project is to dramatically reinforce European leadership in the field of Embedded System Modeling and Simulation through the development of Modelica (the free standard language for Modeling and Simulation) and its accompanying libraries.
    15 years ago by @thorade

    Dymola provides a powerful object-oriented modeling and simulation tool, which can handle large and complex multi-domain models with no manual equation manipulation.
    15 years ago by @thorade


    TLK-Thermo GmbH, Braunschweig in Germany. Engineering Services for Thermal Systems. Our services are:Computer Simulation, Measurement,User Specific Software,Consulting
    16 years ago by @thorade

    The goal of the project is to: * create a complete Modelica modeling, compilation and simulation environment * based on free software distributed in binary and source code form.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    Scicos is a graphical dynamical system modeler and simulator. With Scicos you can create block diagrams to model and simulate the dynamics of hybrid dynamical systems and compile your models into executable code. Scicos is used for signal processing, systems control, queuing systems, and to study physical and biological systems. New extensions allow generation of component based modeling of electrical and hydraulic circuits using the Modelica language.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    Scicos is distributed with the scientific software package ScicosLab.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    Scilab ist ein freies Software-Paket für Anwendungen aus der numerischen Mathematik, das seit 1990 als Alternative zu MATLAB entwickelt wird. Die Funktionalität und Syntax von Scilab ist zu weiten Teilen mit der von MATLAB identisch und es gibt Konverter von MATLAB nach Scilab.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    The object-oriented modeling language Modelica is designed to allow convenient, component-oriented modeling of complex physical systems, e.g., systems containing mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic, thermal, control, electric power or process-oriented subcomponents. The free Modelica language, free Modelica libraries and Modelica simulation tools are available, ready-to-use and have been utilized in demanding industrial applications, including hardware-in-the-loop simulations. The development and promotion of Modelica is organized by the non-profit Modelica Association.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab.
    16 years ago by @thorade

    CO-LaN (the CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network) is a neutral industry and academic association promoting open interface standards in process simulation software. CO-LaN members are committed to making Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) easier, faster and less expensive by achieving complete interoperability of CO compliant commercial CAPE software tools. CO-LaN supports and maintains CAPE-OPEN interface standards.
    16 years ago by @thorade
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publications  52