This Moodle plugin adds a new predictive model to identify students that are likely to miss assignment due dates. The model automatically generates insights for teachers about these students.
The University of Edinburgh shares a number of its Learning and Teaching policies and associated guidance under Creative Commons licence to enable them to be reused by other institutions.
In Episode 15, Brett McLennan discusses the notion of learning analytics in the complex landscape of learning. He shares that learning analytics will never give you an answer, but rather it will provide you with prompts to look at what is hapening and why. Listen to this discussion on the role learning analytics can play in your context today.
Video is used extensively in teaching, but how do you design a dashboard to show teachers what they really need to know? An educational video guru talks about what features are on her “must have” list for video analytics.
This is an introductory course on Learning Analytics designed to assist teachers understand and use learning analytics ethically and appropriately in their own context.
21.06.2022 Im Projekt Knight erforscht die Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart den Einsatz von Learning Analytics und künstlicher Intelligenz in der Lehre. Untersucht wird, wie Lernprozesse automatisiert unterstützt werden können, KI in der Lehre verankert werden kann, aber auch wie die Lehrenden von administrativen Aufgaben entlastet werden können.